The Best Foods For Your Teeth

Sure we know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for our health but did you know that certain foods are good for your oral health? We always here an apple a day will keep the doctor away but what about the dentist? The truth is oral care is part of your overall health care, and if you really want to be healthy and fit focus on foods that are teeth friendly. Vegetables are the best source of vitamins and minerals and they are great for your oral health. Here is why:

Prevents Cavities
Eating fruits and vegetables are great for your teeth because they create saliva flow which helps decrease the acidity in your mouth. When we munch on foods that are high in fiber, our mouth can stay clean because the salvia flow reduces bacteria buildup that can cause tooth decay.

Fruits and vegetables give your mouth extra vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C. Which means you won’t have a lack or deficiency. If you have a lack of these vitamins in your system you could get swollen gums or even bleeding that could lead to a major infection.

Keeps Breath Fresh
Certain health foods and beverages like green tea are recognized as being great for your overall health. But studies show that green tea has many benefits that go far beyond the regular health regimen. Some green tea that contains fluoride can prevent tooth decay and the natural antioxidants will help prevent against plaque build up and bad breath. Its reputation is well deserved.
Removes Unwanted Food Particles
Water is the key to having a healthy life. From hydrating your entire system to your oral health, water is the answer. Drinking water before and after meals is a great way to cleanse your mouth if you can’t brush.  The water acts as a flushing system to wash away food particles that could otherwise get stuck in your teeth. Spend time drinking water and your teeth will thank you.

No Bleeding Gums
Eating fibrous foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables can help stimulate the saliva in the mouth and reduce bacteria and plaque build up. Furthermore when you eat foods that take a while to chew your gums are stimulated. Think of eating apples and fruit like a mini workout for your mouth. It is as if your mouth is lifting weights and getting stronger. The healthier you eat the stronger your mouth will be.

Shannon Kaiser is wellness writer for many online and print publications. For more dental tips visit Smiles Dental, a Dentist in Salem, OR.

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