The Benefits of Polycarbonate Skylights

A skylight is a great investment for a home because it offers light and warmth.  Residential skylights are made out of three different types of materials. They can be glass, plastic or polycarbonate.   Each type of material has benefits to fit the preference of a home owner.

Polycarbonate Skylight
Polycarbonate skylights are desirable because they are very durable. Polycarbonate is energy efficient and will provide light during the day much like a glass skylight will.
What is Polycarbonate?
Polycarbonate is a tough plastic that has the strength of glass. The material gives off an opaque appearance. It can hold up to temperatures as high as 257 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though it is extremely strong it is very light weight. Other products that are made from polycarbonate include bullet-proof glass, sunglasses, and CDs.
Houses that Benefit from Polycarbonate
A polycarbonate skylight is excellent in a climate that has frequent hail storms making these windows impenetrable. Homes in the mountains or forests can also benefit because they hold up to the conditions.  Even houses that are near golf courses can benefit because if a golf ball were to hit the window, a polycarbonate skylight has a greater change of not breaking.
Extra Features
Polycarbonate lets in the same amount of light as a glass skylight. They also come with an ultraviolet film to protect the people inside from 98% of ultraviolet rays.  An opal lens can also be put on the skylight to allow 90% of natural light to go through it and distribute light uniformly into a space.  Bronze filters allow even less light into the room.  The reason for this is because some people may want a skylight in a room but there is too much sunlight on that side of the home. Bronze filters only allow 40% of the light in.  There are several other filters in between the opal and bronze to let in as much light as desired.
Skylights and Health
People that receive natural light about 15 minutes per day are less likely to have mood swings and depression. Skylights benefit the level of energy efficiency in a home, and it also creates an ambiance that is inviting, calm, and enjoyable.
Installing a Skylight
Polycarbonate skylights are easy to install and require little maintenance.  They are cost effective by saving money on the electric bill every month.  For best results, it is beneficial to hire a professional to install the skylight into the home.
Safe and easy installation, cost effective, free maintenance, and no leak glass and polycarbonate skylights windows utilizing RIM Technology with a transferable warranty.


  1. skylight glass roofing can be one of the best problem solver as well. For example, one can use it to get in natural light in a room without any windows. In fact, a skylight equipped with clear light can easily direct sunlight to a specific spot in a room. If one uses skylight with obscure or acrylic glass, then light can spread over a large area.

  2. Polycarbonate is a good choice for skylights, particularly the fact that they are sturdier than most glass. Plus with the added UV film coating, it can also be the healthier option, as it will block the harmful rays from reaching you as you enjoy natural sunlight inside your home.

    Lino @ Arrys Roofing

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  4. If you are planning to opt for polycarbonate, you must approach Tuflite Polymers, who has been providing the best-in-class solid and textured polycarbonate sheets.
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