1. Be on time to whatever it is. If you know that you have a hard time getting to time on things, you need to be wary of this. Being on time is the easiest way to make a positive first impression. You look very put together and organized when you arrive to places on time. This is a must for a job interview or you are meeting someone for the first time. You don't want to hold anyone up, so make sure you get there on time.
2. Don't pretend. You want to make a good first impression, but you need to remember to be who you are. You don't want to sugar coat things because you are afraid that people will judge you. Of course you always want to reflect your best self, but you don't want to hide who you are.
3. Always smile. You might not know what is going on, or how people are reacting to you, but you should always have a smile on your face. Besides, you always look best when you are smiling. But don't put on a fake smile―people will be able to tell.
4. Be confident. Be confident in who you are. If you are confident in you are, people will be drawn to you. You don't really want to be someone that is arrogant or cocky, but if you are unsure of yourself, people won't want to be around you. Take your mind off of what you aren't good at, and focus on what you are good at. Take a deep breath and stop worrying about it.
5. Be aware. Pay attention to the cues that the other people around you are giving. Be kind with all that you meet. Short, sharp answers aren't going to get you anywhere.
6. Know the difference between being to talkative and not talkative enough! This can be a pretty fine line. You don't want to be a chatterbox that people get annoyed with, but you also don't want to be awkward and shy. Have a few conversation starters to get you going, and don't forget to ask questions!
Nelly Annie is a writer for MyCollegesandCareers.com. My Colleges and Careers can really help you when you have made the decision to attend your choice of accredited online colleges.
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