You Don't Have to be Retired to Hit the Road!

It used to be that people who purchased caravans were typically in their 60’s and 70’s. Today, when compared to the typical caravan crowd, buyers can be considered youngsters. People in their 20’s and 30’s are purchasing caravans at a rate that’s never been seen. Caravan dealers are recognizing an all-time high in sales thanks to these young buyers, and have revealed some great ways that these “kids” are using their caravans. Here are five reasons that young adults are enjoying their new vehicles:

1. Workamping

If you’ve never heard of workamping before, you aren’t alone. The word has been created to describe some of the newest members of the caravan crowd. Instead of renting expensive apartments or hotel rooms, people are simply packing up their caravans and heading off to work for the week. Taking their caravan guarantees a place to stay that is more like home than any rented room can hope to be.

2. Holidays

The older generation has known for years that caravans can provide the ultimate holiday, and the younger generation has finally caught on. Spending a week or two traveling along the open road can provide a great way to bond as a couple or as a family. A caravan also allows travelers to stop when and where they want, without being tied to a scheduled itinerary. When you take a caravan on holiday, you can leave the places that bore you and stay in the place you love, all without worrying about having to lose or extend your bookings.

3. The Environment

As the green movement takes hold, more young people are turning to caravans as an environmentally-friendly mode of travel. There is no question that caravanning leaves a smaller carbon footprint when compared to air or rail travel. Not only are you using less fuel than you would be if you chose to travel by air, but you are using less energy and can choose your own, green cleaning supplies.

4. The Outdoors

Is there anything that beats the feeling of the air on your face, and the smell of the meadow gently drifting past your nose? A caravan offers holiday-goers that chance to get back to nature. If you have been craving a break from your busy, stress-filled life, a trip through the great outdoors may be just what you need to unwind. Busy 20-somethings are pulling the plug on technology for weeks at a time and reaping the benefits of leisurely, relaxing caravan holidays.

5. Money

There is no arguing the fact that holidays can be expensive. The cost of room rental, travel insurance, air fare, and the cost of admission to attractions means that a proper holiday can easily run into the thousands. By owning a caravan, young people are finding that they can have fabulous holidays for a fraction of the cost of more traditional vacations. Caravans are a fabulous holiday alternative, especially for people who are living on a budget.
You don’t have to be geriatric to own a caravan. Young people are soon taking over the ranks when it comes to first-time caravan buyers. If you have the money to spend, purchasing a caravan can be one of the best investments that you make. Not only does a caravan provide the opportunity to take a budget-friendly holiday, but it allows you to escape from your hectic life; even if it’s only for a short while.
Virginia Bona is a freelance blogger who loves the caravan lifestyle. If you own a caravan, Virginia notes that you can find affordable caravan insurance quotes at

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