Compare This

After the huge rise in internet use in the late nineteen ninety's and the advancements in wireless connections, the vast majority now have the internet in their homes. It is therefore no surprise that many companies have become companies who trade solely through the internet, known as e-companies. One such market which has really come to prominence in the past decade is the price comparison website.

Price comparison websites now exist to allow consumers to compare a vast array of products. Most people use them to get the lowest insurance deals for their, cars, homes, pets, travel and even their own lives. Consumers do not really have an affinity to an insurance company, it is very much a price orientated sector, and consumers will go wherever the lowest quote is.

Price comparison sites have utilised this in a big way by providing hundreds of quotes at the click of a button. After a couple of pages of entering your details, you are provided with a huge list of quotes from the different insurance companies. The once onerous task of ringing around, telling numerous insurance companies the same details and then getting your quote is thank goodness a thing of the past. In todays society, where time is at a premium and household budgets are stretched, the price comparison site is perfect.

How many of you can say you do not know use a price comparison site, even if it is just to go back to your current insurer to see if they will match the quote? They are just so quick and simple.
It is not just insurances though; you can now compare credit card deals, energy suppliers, phone and broadband packages, the list is ever expanding.

There are now many players in what is an ever increasingly competitive market. Companies cannot really differentiate on service, as they all have to offer the same service; even the layout of the results page across the main competitors sites is similar. As a result, huge marketing budgets are used to try and get the edge over competitors as money is splashed out on television advertising campaigns. Some of the most famous adverts in recent times are from price comparison companies. It is sometimes worth wondering who benefits most, for example meerkats are as popular as they have ever been!

Price comparison sites are a fantastic and quick way to obtain quotes for varying products, no insurance company would want their quotes not to show on such a site. In such a competitive market, how long then until we get a site comparing comparison sites?!

Vicky Ball writes on behalf of Contractors

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