Household Alternative Cleaning Solutions

Whenever you have a hive of activity in your home, be it over any of the yearly holiday seasons keeping your house clean is a must, but instead of horrible smelling chemicals, you may wish to try some alternative cleaning solutions for you home to ensure you don’t have the lingering smell of bleach over the Christmas turkey. Everyone has their trusted brands that they use in regards to any cleaning tools and for many the same applies to cleaning solutions from the stores. Often though, you can find a simpler and cheaper cleaning solution from natural goods within your house that will not only do the same job as well as industrial products but also keep your house greener and smelling fresher. Think of lemon juice and vinegar as well as other food stuffs that when combined become amazing cleaning agents. Let’s list a few of these special formulas for alternative cleaning.
  1. For an all round general cleaner that will cut through most general dirt and grime. To create this you need to take 1 teaspoon of sodium borate (borax) with 1 quart of water. Use either a teaspoon or two of lemon juice or even vinegar to cut through the grease in some compounds.
  2. If you’re dealing with unwanted smells throughout your home, then it’s a good idea to use boxes of bicarbonate of soda around the house to absorb odours. Also open windows and ventilate for an alternative cleaning method we often forget. Making use of open fragrant herbs inside or even mild spices can help with cleaning the air of impurities.
  3. Windows are often a bone of contention for cleaners and why not use an alternative to window commercial cleaning products by diluting a quart if vinegar with warm water and then using newspaper to polish afterwards for an amazing shine.
  4. Spot removal is usually simple except for hard stains. For blood, use an alternative cleaning solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and soak before removing. If you are dealing with the alternative of ink which can be equally as messy, use a mixture of lemon juice and cream of tartar and scrub it off.
The general cleaning solution is great for most household needs with you even possibilities of incorporating it into deep cleaning appliances for that extra special shine to your floors and tiles. Make sure you mix according to suggestions to get the optimal alternative cleaning formula that will leave your home smelling fresh and without the edge of chemical flavour that store products do.
Sarah Mancini is a freelance writer and a green enthusiast looking to share alternative lifestyle options. Sarah has struggled many times with an upright vacuum and tried simply using a steam cleaning machines, but has decided that without the correct solutions, these jobs can be a lot more difficult, hence her writing this article for herself and her audience.

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