How To Hunting For Cheapest Fly Tickets

When you want to travel but don’t have the funds for expensive flights to top destinations, you’ll need to get a little resourceful and learn the tips for finding cheap tickets. Follow this quick guide for hunting for the cheapest plane tickets before booking your next trip.
Know When To Search
Research has shown that Tuesday afternoon is the best time to searchand buy plane tickets. This is when airline offer the deepest discounts on flights. The discounts are often pulled by Thursday afternoon, so you have a short window in which to find and purchase your tickets. Research also shows that weekends are the worst time to purchase plane tickets, as the price of tickets is often highest on Saturdays and Sundays.
Know When To Buy
If you find a really cheap deal on an airline ticket, but it right away. Chances are, the deal won’t last long. In fact, the deal could already by done by the time you go to check out. When you’re shopping for tickets, have your credit card and your desired itinerary ready to go. If you’re traveling internationally, you should probably start looking for tickets to buy about 2 months before your trip.
If you are traveling domestically, you can wait a bit longer for last minute deals if you really want a cheap price. Buying tickets more than 3 months in advance will most likely result in you paying a higher price. Some websites, like Bing!, offer price predictor charts that can give you a much better idea of when to buy for your particular trip.
Know When To Fly
Research shows that the cheapest days to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday. Being able to fly mid-week could save you some serious cash. Research has also shown that Saturday is a cheap day to fly, as many people try to get to their destination before the weekend begins. This makes Friday an expensive day to fly as many people are heading out,and Sunday an expensive day to fly as many people are heading home.
In terms of what time of day you should fly if you want a cheap flight, the mornings and late nights are typically the cheapest. Check into flights that leave around 6 a.m., or flights that are red eyes and have you traveling overnight. Being flexible is the best way to save money when looking for cheap plane tickets.
Know What Airlines
To FlyCheck with airline companies directly to get potentially lower prices than what is listed on sites like, and comparison travel sites. Some airlines don’t participate in these sites, so there could likely be lower prices than what is listed on these large sites.
You can also look into fees associate with different airlines. Some airlinescharge higher fees for things like bags and taxes, while others will offer lower fees for traveling. Some airlines even charge you for flying during a peak travel time, so being aware of all extra fees could save you some money.
Jess, Events Organiser at Chillisauce Ltd. who specialise in organising hen weekends and stag dos.

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